The Need
Ten years since its formation, and with over 1,000 organisations signed up, the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) wanted to understand current member satisfaction and shape the direction of the organisation for the next 10 years with input from its signatory organisations.
Our Approach
Using two online consultation surveys of the UNPRI’s signatories, we provided clear measures of satisfaction across key touchpoints and in-depth feedback on their consultation document.
The team then created a series of easily digestible reports which analysed the data by country, size of organisation and assets under management. The team then participated in workshops to align the UNPRI’s internal stakeholders’ business plans with the research findings.

The Outcome
UNPRI immediately identified areas to start improving or changing. The respective internal teams have built these into their business plans for the year ahead. The senior team are also using the findings to inform their strategy for the next 10 years, including focussing on certain countries where development in required.