The Dis/Connected Consumer Index

We are supposedly better connected than ever before. A combination of traditional and new media, underpinned by record investment in technology and digital infrastructure, should enable the public and private sectors to better reach and engage people across the UK.
But, does connectivity equal connection?
To answer this question following an unprecedented period of change, Grayling and Opinium have sought to understand how – and to what extent – people are connecting with brands, government, culture and society as a whole. We wanted to understand how people are engaging with content and how much faith they have in it – two elements integral to effectively driving action.
Studying this will enable us to understand the mindset of different groups in society, their perspective on contemporary media, brands, society and culture and what this might mean for their well-being, as well as the implications for communications campaigns looking to reach them and cut through the noise to make an impact.
Generation Disconnect: New Research Discovers Crisis of Engagement and Trust Among Over-55s in the UK
The report, by Opinium Research and Grayling, uncovers a distinct group within UK society who are avoiding the media and distrust what they hear from it when they engage. These are the ‘Opt-outs’, a section of society that government, media, brands and advertisers simply are not getting through to, and who feel a growing sense of alienation from the wider world. The results are presented in full in The Dis/Connected Consumer Index
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