Voting intent and behaviours across the globe

The Need

Dr Michael Bruter and Dr Sarah Harrison needed assistance in conducting a unique five-year tracking study to understand motivations, barriers and issues relating to voting with a particular focus on first-time voters and increasing their participation.

Our Approach

Opinium conducted a vast study of a wide quantitative (over 30,000 respondents, 27 countries) and longitudinal (5-year panel study) scope. This was designed specifically to track first-time voters throughout their voting careers to understand the emotional and practical elements of voting. The research was designed to ensure responses were captured imminently after the elections to remove any bias and get instinctive emotional responses to the action of voting.

“Our Electoral Psychology Observatory at London School of Economics has worked with Opinium on several award-winning projects. Their excellent, enthusiastic, and flexible team is fantastic to partner with. They work hard to understand the specific needs of every study from traditional marketing to large global complex and scientific projects like ours.”

The Outcome

The current findings have been used to inform electoral psychology leaders on the topic as well as providing suggestions on new structures that could be set in place to increase first time voter participation with the results being published in academic articles. Given the tracking nature of the study the research will be used as an ongoing resource to continually adapt and inform decisions made within this area.

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