Digital Youth Index 2023

Our research in partnership with Nominet has found that more than half of young Brits (53%) have used an Artificial Intelligence chatbot like ChatGPT over the last year to help with their schoolwork, emails or their job – with young adults (over 16s) more concerned that AI will replace them in the workforce.
While 94% of young people surveyed said they felt safe online, 76% were exposed to upsetting experiences online – up 7% on last year. Young people’s exposure to fake news (up 4%), hate speech (up 4%) and sexual content online (up 6%) have all risen in the last year.
Now in its third year, the Nominet Digital Youth Index is an annual benchmarking study of 4,000 8-to-25-year-olds in the UK. Click on the image below to access the full report:
The Digital Youth Index measures young people’s digital access and inclusion, their ability to conduct certain digital skills, how safe they feel online and their related physical and mental wellbeing. The survey of 4,000 young people in the UK aged 8-25, is the only free-to-use, national annual benchmarking report of this scale that identifies and monitors the key drivers, issues and opportunities in young people’s relationships with digital technology in the UK. It looks to highlight areas of disadvantage, inform policymaking and help to improve education and life outcomes for young people today and in the future.