1The following are expressly excluded from membership of the Opinium Panel and are not permitted to benefit from incentives or prize draws: employees of Opinium Research LLP (other than for official test purposes) or its partner organisations, people employed in Journalism, Marketing, Market Research, Public Relations or Advertising.

Terms and Conditions
1. Membership
- Membership of the Opinium Panel is open to all adults (aged 18 years or older) permanently resident in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland1. A validated UK address and a unique email address (i.e. one email address per panel member) is a condition of Opinium Panel membership.
- Opinium Panel membership may not be shared between individuals and there may only be one Opinium Panel membership per person. Any person found to have more than one Opinium Panel membership shall forfeit all compensation earned.
- We will ask for some basic information about you and will use this background information to choose samples of Opinium Panel members (e.g. all women, car drivers, parents of young children, people who have used a particular airline). When you are picked for a sample, we will send you an email, telling you that there is a survey ready for you to complete. Our surveys comply with MRS guidelines.
- You do not have to complete any survey that we send to you – but we would really like you to if you are one of the people chosen. If you do complete a survey, you will be eligible to receive compensation (see section 4 for details).
- Opinium Panel members who no longer wish to receive our promotional materials, or newsletter, may opt-out of receiving these communications by unsubscribing, either online or by sending an email to us at support@opiniumresearch.com [Please note that it may take a little time for your details to be updated in this regard].
2. Registration Process
- In order to join the Opinium Panel, you will be required to complete the online Opinium Panel Member registration form. This is linked from www.opinium.co.uk or you can go ‘back’ in your browser.
- During the registration process you will be required to create a member profile which will contain your contact information (such as name and email address) so that we can contact you with surveys you have been chosen to answer. We will also use this contact information to notify you of other services and promotions on our site for which you have expressed interest. Your member profile will also contain demographic information so that we only send you relevant surveys and to enable us to analyse your responses.
- Please remember that all notifications, compensation and prizes will be sent to the contact details in your member profile and therefore you must always ensure that you keep this information up to date. Opinium Research LLP cannot be held liable for any notification, compensation or prizes which are not received by Opinium Panel Members if the Opinium Panel Member did not inform Opinium Research LLP immediately of any changes to their contact details.
3. Your Undertakings
Username and password confidentiality
- By registering as an Opinium Panel Member, you agree to keep your username and / or password safe and not disclose them to anyone.
- Individual Opinium Panel Members may be liable for any loss or damage caused to Opinium Research LLP, resulting from the disclosure by them of usernames and / or passwords to unauthorised individuals.
- Opinium Research LLP reserves the right to revoke any Opinium Panel Membership if it considers that an Opinium Panel Member has breached this obligation.
Information provided
- In consideration of Opinium Research LLP granting you access to the Website and the opportunity to participate in surveys and Free Prize Draws, you agree that you will
- provide accurate, true and up to date information when registering to join the Opinium Panel;
- keep all details in your member profile up to date at all times; and
- provide honest, accurate and complete information when answering surveys.
- If you provide any information that is untrue, not current or false or, in the reasonable opinion of Opinium Research LLP is deemed to be untrue, not current or false, Opinium Research LLP has the right to suspend and/or terminate your Opinium Panel Membership. Should this occur, you will forfeit all compensation accumulated to date and will be precluded from rejoining the Opinium Panel.
- In consideration of Opinium Research LLP granting you access to the Website and the opportunity to participate in surveys and Free Prize Draws, you agree that you will
- You agree to indemnify Opinium Research LLP in respect of any and all claims, costs, losses, expenses and liabilities that Opinium Research LLP may incur arising out of any information posted by you or any software you use in connection with posting such information or any unauthorised disclosure of confidential information by you.
4. Compensation
- Whenever you complete a survey sent to you, you will be eligible to receive the Opinium Panel incentive specified in relation to that survey. This will typically be 50 pence, but may vary.
- Opinium Panel incentives will accrue to the accounts of Opinium Panel Members, typically at the rate of 50 pence per survey or at such other amount as is communicated at the start of the survey. Opinium Panel Members can login and check their account credit, using the login and password created at time of registration.
- Opinium Panel incentives will only be paid to Opinium Panel Members when they have accrued sufficient total credit to reach or exceed the published threshold amount. This amount is currently £25 but may vary. Incentives will be paid each time a £25 milestone is reached.
- Opinium Research LLP guarantees that the threshold amount will never increase to the detriment of individual Panellists.
- Opinium Panel Members accounts holding less than the threshold amount are deemed to have a redeemable cash value of less than 0.00001 pence.
- When an Opinium Panel Member’s account reaches or exceeds the threshold amount (currently £25), Opinium research will contact them by email at their registered address. The Panellist will be given a choice of payment methods or to decide to leave the money in their account.
- Opinium Panel Members agree to respond to contacts from Opinium Research regarding their accounts.
- Claims for the value of accounts which have reached or exceeded the threshold amount and are still active [i.e.: the Panellist is still completing surveys] may be made by email to support@opiniumresearch.com.
- Any Opinium Panel Member’s account may be closed, with no further notice, if it holds less than the agreed threshold amount and has been inactive for a period of 9 months or longer. In the case of such closure, no value, monetary or otherwise, accrues to or is due to the Panellist.
- Any Opinium Panel Member’s account may be closed if it holds the agreed threshold amount or more, and Opinium Research have made at least three attempts to contact the Panellist with regards to payment (by email or otherwise), and that account has been inactive for a period of 9 months or longer. In the case of such closure, the value of the threshold amount (or amounts) will be held in suspension by Opinium Research for a period of no longer than three months. At the end of this period, any value reverts irrevocably to Opinium Research.
- Claims for the value of accounts closed and held in suspension must be made, in writing, to Opinium Research, at the registered offices, within 2 months of the closure of the account.
- Opinium Panel incentives, unless otherwise stated, will be paid in pounds sterling. There will be no currency alternatives.
- Opinium Panel incentives will only be paid to Opinium Panel Members who maintain a valid UK address throughout their Opinium Panel membership.
- Opinium Panel incentives cannot be aggregated and are not transferable from one Panel member to another.
- Opinium Research LLP may offer Free Prize Draws in place of, or in addition to, cash incentives on some surveys and for some Opinium Panel activities. This will be disclosed to you at the time the survey is sent to you.
- All Free Prize Draws are open to current Opinium Panel Members who have been invited to participate in the survey for which the Free Prize Draw is offered. No purchase is necessary. Free Prize Draw winners will be notified by the contact details on their registration information and the names and location of winners will be published online on the Website. The terms and conditions for each Free Prize Draw will be disclosed with each draw and by participating in the relevant survey you agree to be bound by those terms and conditions.
5. Information Collection and Use
- We take the protection of the personal information that you submit to us seriously. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as holding this kind of market research information. Full details of how we use your personal information are set out in our privacy policy. The terms of the Privacy Policy will apply to any personal information submitted to us and when you register as an Opinium Panel Member you will be asked to confirm that you agree to the terms of that policy.
- Opinium Research LLP collects information from our Opinium Panel members and others in various ways, governed by the law of England and Wales and by the MRS Code of Conduct. Once all Opinium Panel members have completed a particular survey, we then anonymise and aggregate all the answers to the survey and the summary information is passed to our client and / or published.
- If you have any queries regarding the use of your personal information, please contact support@opiniumresearch.com by email.
- When you register as an Opinium Panel member, you agree that all information provided by you in response to a survey is the exclusive property of Opinium Research LLP.
- We may keep records as to how many surveys you have answered and of which type. We do this so we can try to send you the surveys you are most happy to answer.
6. Disclamer
- The fact that you have registered as an Opinium Panel member does not automatically mean that you will be selected to participate in any surveys. Opinium Research LLP reserves the right to adopt any selection process it wishes in choosing Opinium Panels members for surveys.
- You hereby accept that Opinium Research LLP shall not be liable to you with respect to any loss or damage suffered by you in connection with your registration as an Opinium Panel member and / or your participation in any surveys.