
AI in Gaming: A Quick Dip

AI is top of mind for all industries at the moment, including the insights and gaming worlds. We used an AI research methodology to gain insights about the gaming industry.

Our report showcases our AI interviewing methodology – this fills the gap between quantitative and qualitative research, with participants taking part in an AI-assisted interview about the use of AI in gaming.

What did we do?

‘Hardcore gamers’ took part in an AI-assisted interview about the use of AI in gaming, responding to a set of questions and tailored follow-up probes (which are AI generated).

What are the key benefits?

Quick qualitative insights (45 interviews completed within 24 hours of launching the project), cost-effective to scale, nuanced conversations without time taken for human moderation, voice note outputs to provide emotional depth.

To understand more, download our report below, or reach out to