Most Connected Brands UK 2023

Now in its sixth year, Opinium’s Most Connected Brands Index is the first ever index to be compiled exclusively from consumer feedback. While Amazon tops the ranking for the sixth year in a row, budget brands have risen up the rankings, highlighting how the cost-of-living crisis continues to impact consumers.
Several budget supermarkets have jumped up the charts since last year, with Aldi holding its spot in the top five, up 1 place since 2022. Lidl has risen 8 places, taking it into the top 20, and Iceland is up 4 places.
This trend continues when looking at other budget brands, with retailers such as outlet brand TK Maxx rising 18 places since last year’s Index was compiled.
Opinium interviewed 6,000 consumers, collated 6,284 spontaneous brand mentions, and facilitated 48,000 brand reviews to identify the 100 Most Connected Brands in the UK: those that have succeeded in becoming indispensable to consumers’ daily lives. These brands challenge conventions, build unbreakable bonds and define how consumers interact, whilst remaining true to themselves.
Top 10 Most Connected Brands in the UK

Reliability of heritage brands
Perhaps as a result of the financial turmoil and general uncertainty during the last 12 months, this year’s UK Most Connected Brands Index found that consumers have also been turning to heritage brands they know they can rely on, with brands such as the BBC (+13), Fairy (+5) and M&S (+6) rising up the rankings. Despite the uncertainty, compared to last year, consumers’ opinions on how brands have been performing remains relatively consistent, with over half the brands that were in last year’s Index staying within 5 places of their ranking in 2022.
Transitioning to green
Despite the significant challenges the UK automotive sector has been facing, from the lack of microchips impacting new car builds, the financial crisis affecting demand, to the shift to electric cars, this year’s Index reveals a small resurgence for car brands, with Honda, Mercedes Benz and Toyota all climbing up the rankings:

With Toyota rated as the highest automotive brand in the ‘social responsibility’ category, and Honda and Ford joint second, the potential reason for this uptick for automotive brands may be that they are managing to successfully share their green messaging with consumers.
Looking at the ‘buzz’ category – Opinium’s measure of what brands consumers say they are hearing about – electric vehicle company Tesla rated 16th of all brands, highlighting the impact aligning with sustainability and green initiatives can have.
Check out the top 100 UK brands here.
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