
Wellbeing in Research: Small steps towards better mental health

Employers in the UK market research sector have strengthened their mental wellbeing support in 2022, though there remains room for improvement.

Conducted by Opinium and the MRS, the UK’s professional body for research, insight and analytics, for the fourth year, the Mental Wellbeing in Research Tracker 2022 shows some improvement in mental health across the industry and widespread enthusiasm for flexible working. 

The 2022 tracker has seen some encouraging signs regarding overall mental wellbeing in the sector. Fewer market researchers are struggling with their mental health compared to the previous year and when also compared the wider UK workforce. However, market researchers are still less likely to take time off for their mental health and, as evidenced in 2020 and 2021, cite having too much to do at work as one of the top reasons for not taking time off. 

Taster tracker stats:

  • 83% of market researchers have experienced poor mental health in the last 12 months, down from 87% in 2021.
  • Just 19% of market researchers who experienced poor mental health took time off work to rest. Last year the figure was 18%.
  • Having too much work to do remains the biggest barrier for taking time off to deal with mental health. Over half (52%) of those who experienced poor mental health cited this a reason for not taking time off.
  • Seven-in-ten (69%) say they support a mixed approach of office and home working, compared to 39% who support permanent home working and only 9% who support working from an office full-time.

Read the full report here: